So I actually did it. I gave her a Birthday party! I was back and forth with the idea for a long time and finally I decided to just do it. She was able to invite all the girls from her sunbeam class. They were all so cute! It was a Hawaiian theme and so we gave all the girls a Lei, skirt and a flower clip for their hair. We had water balloons, I was surprised at how much the little girls liked the water balloons. After I bought them I thought.... why did I buy these.... These are 4 yr old girls.... They don't like water balloons. Well, I was wrong, they loved them and they had lots of fun with them. They also had fun going down the water slide. They were all afraid of the big slide and would only go down the little slide at first. Even though the big one is slower and the little one you shoot off and hit your bum kinda hard. After one went down they were all into it. We played for a while and then did cake and presents, then they got to play until their parents arrived. Little A had so much fun and we were so glad that everyone was able to come.

Molly, Audrey, Tycee, Cloe, and Emma

Cloe going down the big slide

Tycee going down.

Here comes Emma!

Molly didn't want us to watch her slide down. So she walked down.

Little D showing the girls how to go one their stomachs.
I tried to get them to slide on their stomachs and they would go on their stomachs but they would go feet first. So I made Little D show them.

Here is Little C just after he fell head first into the cooler in the back ground. It didn't faze him much as you can see. But I guess that's why you aren't supposed to leave things around with water in them. Luckily I was sitting right there making more water balloons.