So my good friend Megan and I were talking the other day and I mentioned that I was looking for a Double Jogger Stroller. She said that she had one that had been sitting in the yard for a year or two and that I could have it if I wanted it. I was like, "Are you sure?" She insisted that she didn't need it and she did tell me that it probably wasn't in the best shape after sitting in the sun for so long. But still I was interested so I went and checked it out. Sure enough it was a little faded and the buckles had basically disintegrated. They fell apart and all that was left was the buckle. She rinsed it off for me and I took it home.

After staring at it for a while I decided that it wasn't too bad. I was thinking that all it really needed was a new tire (because one of them looked like it had melted)and to make a shade thing. I was thinking about making a shade for it when I thought that if I did that then it would just look silly because the shade thing would be bright and the rest would have been all faded. So then I started wondering if I could make a slip cover of some sort for it.
After looking on the Internet for on and coming up empty handed I decided that I would just have to do it myself. So I went to Walmart and bought some canvas type fabric and some straps for the buckles and came home and went to work measuring and cutting and measuring and fitting. It was tricky but I finished it!.

And here it is! It is far from perfect but hey it works, right? And I still have not finished the shade part but the hard part is done. The shade thing should be easy. And as for the tire that looked like it had melted. Turns out all it needed was a new tire tube. I have to thank Megan, not only for giving me the stroller but for getting the buckles out of the trash for me! I am excited to get out and start running!
After staring at it for a while I decided that it wasn't too bad. I was thinking that all it really needed was a new tire (because one of them looked like it had melted)and to make a shade thing. I was thinking about making a shade for it when I thought that if I did that then it would just look silly because the shade thing would be bright and the rest would have been all faded. So then I started wondering if I could make a slip cover of some sort for it.
After looking on the Internet for on and coming up empty handed I decided that I would just have to do it myself. So I went to Walmart and bought some canvas type fabric and some straps for the buckles and came home and went to work measuring and cutting and measuring and fitting. It was tricky but I finished it!.
And here it is! It is far from perfect but hey it works, right? And I still have not finished the shade part but the hard part is done. The shade thing should be easy. And as for the tire that looked like it had melted. Turns out all it needed was a new tire tube. I have to thank Megan, not only for giving me the stroller but for getting the buckles out of the trash for me! I am excited to get out and start running!