It's teacher appreciation week and this is what Little D will be giving to his teacher.
I found the idea for tissue paper flowers on One Pretty Thing. (If you don't already know what that is you should definitely go there and check it out. But only if you want to find like a billion projects that you have to do just because they are so cute.)

After finding it there I looked some more on the Internet for different variations and this is what they turned out to be. They were so cheap and easy to make. I made them a little more fun by adding Hugs and Kisses as the flower center.

I found a little dollar vase at Target and added a ribbon and there ya go.
I found the idea for tissue paper flowers on One Pretty Thing. (If you don't already know what that is you should definitely go there and check it out. But only if you want to find like a billion projects that you have to do just because they are so cute.)
After finding it there I looked some more on the Internet for different variations and this is what they turned out to be. They were so cheap and easy to make. I made them a little more fun by adding Hugs and Kisses as the flower center.
I found a little dollar vase at Target and added a ribbon and there ya go.