Rob rarely smiled in pictures.
On our way home from Big Meadow I checked my messages and found one from Jeremy's Aunt. She never calls and so immediately I knew that it wouldn't be good news. We pulled over and Big J called her to find out that his Father had passed away that morning. We were about an hour away from home, tired from working all day and hadn't had much sleep from the night of camping. The rest of the drive was hard. When we got home there was a lot of phone calls. All while trying to figure out what we should do. His dad had said that we shouldn't come home and disrupt our lives there was to be no funeral. But in talking with Aunt Sue, it sounded like she was overwhelmed and needed some help. Rob was no longer married and Sue had no one to help her.
So we unpacked the car of camping stuff and repacked with suitcases and at about 9:30 pm we were on the road. That was about the longest car ride ever. I'm sure that it was longer for Big J. We drove 22 hours non stop. We stopped only for food and gas. We arrived in Montana at about 7 pm on Sunday. While it was nice to see everyone it was bittersweet.

Rob was always sitting in this La-Z-Boy Recliner
The first week was all about getting things taken care of. Big J's sister wasn't able to come until a week after we had gotten there, So the second week was all about cleaning out his home and dividing up things we wanted to keep.
We were very blessed while we were there. Things were worked out with little effort. When we thought that getting his bank accounts and things switched was going to be a long battle it just worked out. And when we were worried about selling his home he had which was a 2 bedroom trailer, we were able to sell it to the owner of the trailer court. We were able to get everything done so that we could come home and Big J could get back to work. Big J is the only member in his family, and I know that Big J was able to have some missionary experiences with his Aunt and I know that it was good for him to be able to explain to her what we believe happens in these situations.

Rob had chosen for no funeral and wanted to be cremated. He had specified a spot that we were to place his ashes. So we did that, and Big J said that he felt like a pioneer, when they had to bury their loved ones. He was able to dedicate and site and that was a neat experience and his Aunt and Great Aunt who was there thanked him so much for doing it. It was a beautiful day, following days of clouds and rain. We were a little worried about people stumbling upon our little service and ruining the spirit as to the popularity of the spot to the locals, but none came. We were able to do it uninterrupted. Little D acted as a pallbearer and took the job very seriously. He was so responsible and picked up all the things we had used and placed them back into the backpack without even being asked. Afterward we all went to Aunt Sue's and had a BBQ. It also happened to be Little A's birthday and so she had gotten a cake and some Ice cream. That was nice for Little A.
Everyone we would talk to in his neighborhood would tell us how much they loved him and that he was always so kind and would help everyone. He practically built everyone's porch in the place. He was always willing to help. He had a great sense of humor and had some bets going about the Vikings and another team. He was obviously for the vikings.

Rob when the Vikings would win!

When the Vikings Lost
He was a great Father and Grandpa. As well as brother, friend, and in-law.
We will all miss him terribly.

Rob was very good at wood working. He made this rocking motorcycle for one of his grandsons.
He was smart, much like the boy he raised.
How he always cried when he said Goodbye. I remember when he told me that and I told him I was the same way.
He would laugh at the dumbest stuff. He had a funny laugh too. More of a Ho Ho Ho actually.
He hated to be called Donald or any form of the name. (Donald was his given name) We asked his sister why everyone called him "Rob" and she said that she didn't know and maybe he got it when he was in the Military. Who knows why.
He usually had a beard all winter and would shave it off in the spring.