Tanks everyone for all the birthday wishes! It was a good day. One of my good friends took me out to lunch. That was fun. We went to the Olive Garden because our husbands don't particularly like going there but we LOVE it!
My kids cleaned their room as a present for me.(And if any of you know us, you know how much of a challenge that is!)
Big J bought me a little camera that I can carry with me in my purse.
My parents bought be
Miche bags which have been awesome!
And my darling sister bought me a custom cake from Cold Stone.

BEST ICE CREAM CAKE EVER!! You can create your own ice cream and put it in your cake. And of course I had my usual in there which I still have yet to name. It is french vanilla ice cream with raspberry and Oreos as the mix ins. Best thing ever!

My friend was asking me the other day what made me think to mix these together and I couldn't remember. But now having had time to think about it I remember. It was all because of an Oprah episode so long ago, where they featured Cold Stone. They were naming all the mix ins and I hadn't realized that there was a raspberry mix in. Then they mixed Oreos with peanut butter and some fruit and I thought about raspberries and Oreos. So the next time I went there I asked for that and get it every time since. The original order had nuts in it also which I get every once in a while but the main flavors are still awesome. I have always been thinking of a good name to call it and still need one. If anyone has any suggestions Ill take them.
My visiting teacher brought me these pretty yellow roses. So nice. Sorry about this pic. my son took the picture and I am too lazy to take another one.

Anyway we had pizza for lunch and then some cake and then I called my nail friend and she was able to fit me in, so I got my nails done too! So it was a pretty good day. Thanks!