So a few years ago,(probably 2) we had these little moths in our pantry. I don't know how they got there. But I had to take everything out of the pantry and clean it out. Not only that but you also have to throw away practically everything that is in either a box or a plastic bag. Why? Because they can eat through that stuff, and then they nest in there. Its so gross! Anyway, after I did that about 2 years ago I threw 2 cedar balls in the bottom of the pantry and they were gone. Now.... they're back! AAGGGGHHHH!!!! So frustrating. Every time I would open the pantry 2 or 3 would fly out at me. (Big J finds that part humorous) I guess my cedar balls weren't strong enough anymore or something. So anyway I cleaned it all out again and I hope they are gone. If anyone else has ever had this and has been successful in getting rid of them let me know. My sister said that at least they weren't tics, which my Sister-In-Law had at her house a while ago. I said I don't know.... at least tics don't get into your food.