Sunday, February 15, 2009

Garden Groundbreaking!

So yesterday Big J and I work all day in the yard trying to get the Garden spot ready to plant. Man! It was hard work and its still not done. I got all the dead leaves and grass raked up while he removed a few tree stumps. We have piles of cut down tree branches and stumps and bags and bags of grass and leaves. Which poses the question of how do we rid ourselves of this mess we made by cleaning up the other mess. Too bad we cant have a bon fire!!! We would have the biggest one! If this were Montana we probably would just drag it out to the back and light 'er up.

I told Big J that after we get all the stump up we would need a Rototiller. Big J thought that I could be the tiller. He said I'll just call you Shawntiller! I insisted that even though that was cleaver and funny we needed an actual Rototiller this time since the ground is full of roots and has never been tilled before. Then after arguing whether or not we needed to find and borrow a rototiller or rent one. Big J ended up buying one! I know so now Big J expects me to have Rototiller parties! Ha Ha! Hopefully we wont break it on some huge hidden root.

So after all that Big J thinks that we should make a bigger garden and insists that the area I had designated is too small. (I think that he just wants an excuse to use his new tiller more.) But I guess I need to plan what I am going to plant in order to know how much room I will need. I didn't think about how some plants would need more room than others. I know, I told you I had no idea what I was doing!

Some Valentines Day huh, fighting and hard labor! I did get flowers though. Well, we will see what happens next weekend. In the meantime I need to find a way to get rid of all my yard trash.

1 comment:

Cotton Queen said...

Have fun with the rototiller! They are awesome. I got to use one all weekend. We also got the garden laid out too. It is going to be fun, good luck with yours. By the way, Danny misses D and askes when we are going to your house. He is so cute! Have a great day. Miss you guys!