Today while Little D was in the shower I was putting his clothes into the hamper and he promptly reminded me to make sure I get all the stuff out of his pockets. I said, "whats in here?" and He said, "Pennies, Lego's, a rock, and a gun." I told him that he needed to put them away. He looked at me puzzled and said, "But where does the rock go?" I said, " Probably outside. He quickly burst into tears and said, "No Mommy, don't throw my rock outside!" I was surprised that a rock would generate so much emotion. I told him he could keep it and we put it on his shelf. In his defense he is a little sick with a fever/cold.
What is it with Boy's and carrying everything in their pockets. Big J is the same way. I'm always washing things that are in his pockets.
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