Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Vacation to Montana

The Bride! (My youngest Sister Sara)

We're back after a long trip to Montana and Oregon. We went because my sister was getting married and you cant miss a sisters wedding. We went up a week before the wedding to help with the prep. Unfortunately I was not of much help.

The first day we were there Little D got sick with a fever and a little cough. It only lasted a day but then Little A got sick. Still no big deal. Then I got sick and it was no 24 hr fever thing. Apparently I had Strep Throat. For about 3 or 4 days I had a fever that would come and go. A sore throat and fever so bad one day that my parents even almost took me to the hospital. I could barely talk. My Dad gave me a blessing and sent me to bed. The next morning I felt much better but still wasn't 100 percent. But my throat was better and that was the worst part. I felt bad for my Mom because in the midst of planning a wedding she had to take care of me and my 3 kids. But she was able to pull it off and everything was fine.

Here they come as we threw rice in their faces!

I didn't think that Big J would be able to make it since he was over in Washington for work, but his job got done just in time and on Thursday he caught the train and rode through the night. He was only in Montana for a short time he got there on Friday and flew back to Bakersfield on Monday. But I was glad he was able to come.

The bride looked so beautiful! The reception at the church was decorated so well. 2 of my Moms sisters came a few days before the wedding to help and Oh man! Things would have been so bad had they not been there to help. With me sick and Mom overwhelmed it was so good of them to come and help. I hope they at least were able to enjoy themselves a little.

After the wedding was over and we had all somewhat re cooperated the kids and I went over to Portland with Mom. We stayed there for about 5 days and then Mom traveled home with us. It was a long drive but we mad it. It was nice to have my Mom here even if it was only for 2 days. She got all her Christmas shopping done for the kids so now she wont have to mail them down. Now I just have to store them until Christmas. It made me want to get all my Christmas shopping done right then. It would be so nice to have it all done by Thanksgiving.

Well sorry there isn't more about our trip but at least I blogged something. I'm still trying to get back to normal from being gone and being sick. Now I can blog about more fun things. Like funny things that kids say. Stay tuned.....

P.S. It was fun to see all our family and friends while we were up there! I hope that it wont be too long before we can come up again. But you know.... you can come down here too! :)

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