You saw it here first! Little C is going to be a vary famous singer! Last night I was watching a T.V. show and there were people singing. All the sudden I realized that there were 3 people singing instead of 2. Little C was belting out some sort of tune. I didn't understand one word but he seemed to know what he was doing. I watched him for about 5 minutes, the whole time wishing that I had a tape for my video camera. Then I thought that maybe I could sneak up on him and take some pictures. The minute I stood up he noticed and stopped singing. However I grabbed the camera anyway and waited... It only took about a minute before he picked back up his make-shift microphone and started singing again.

One of the funniest parts is that I don't think he has ever seen anyone sing with an actual microphone.

When I am singing in the car or at home I don't ever pretend to have one so it was funny to see that he had picked that up somehow.

(Here he is in mid note... after this shot he just about fell over and off the couch! He was getting a bit carried away I guess.)
I always thought that he would be more of a singer than the other 2 just because he is the only other one singing with me in church.
So American Idol, if you are still around or to whatever singing show follows yours, here he is! He has to go on a mission first that is why you will all have to wait until 2029!
Soon after smashing the competition on the show he will be buying his parents a nice house.