Friday, April 1, 2011

Our Dairy Farm Adventure

And it was an adventure! It started off rushed this morning when we woke with only 30 mins to get 2 kids ready for the bus and Myself for a field trip and then another to go to a friends. We made it though. But then we were sitting on the bus (Which was the most exciting thing for most of the kids) and I realized that we were going where there are COWS! Lots of cows! Which means lots of Cow POO! I was so not dressed for that. I wasn't wearing tennis shoes like the other Moms. Nope my nice green flats. Little A wasn't wearing old pants and rain boots or tennis shoes. Nope She was wearing a new shirt with new tights and a WHITE skirt and dress shoes! What was I thinking? The only thing that was calming me was that the skirt was almost 2 years old so I figured it had paid its dues. I told her to just stay on her feet at least and not fall over.

When we got there we had milk and cookies while we were waiting our turn to go into the milking barn. If I had known what that was going to be like I would have stayed out and watched from the windows. Little A could hardly contain herself she wanted to see where the cows were milked. So in we went. Her teacher had told me on the bus about how when the cows poop it kind of spashes because they have to keep washing the floors. I had no Idea.... You are in this Isle probably just as wide as the isles in the grocery store, only there aren't groceries on either side. Nope, COWS! Not just cows but cow BUTTS! All hooked up to milking machines. The kids and parents slowly filed in and I thought that we were going to walking through and around. So when the line quit moving I gave it a couple seconds. But as the cows got more and more nervous so did I. When cows are nervous or scared they poop and pee! So I told Little A to go up to the front so we could get through faster. Once I reached the front I realized why we had stopped moving. THERE WAS NO WHERE TO GO! IT WAS A DEAD END! I was like you have to be kidding me! I could have just stayed by the door looked at the first couple cows and been fine! Now we had to fight the crowd and go back. Meanwhile dodging the pooping cows. One would start and we would have to stop and wait until it stopped splattering. Even once they were done I was scared that it would start up just as I was going by. It was like a mine field. There were quite a few people that got some splattered. I'm sure that I didn't make it out unscathed but I want to fool myself with ignorance. Little A had some on her shoes and socks. Like I said I'm sure it was elsewhere but we decided to ignore it. Needless to say we changed as soon as we got home.

After the milking barn we went and saw the Baby cows. That was fun, they were all within on day old. One was only a couple hours old. It was kind of sad that they don't get to stay with their Moms. They take them and raise them somewhere else until they are eating grains. But the littlest one took its first couple of steps right there. Probably only because it was terrified of all the kids.

After that we went and saw all the things that they feed the cows. Then we went home. It was quite interesting.

1 comment:

Samurai Mom said...

Gross! I am so glad I don't get my milk from a grocery store. EWWWW!