As most of you know my mother is a Great Artist! She is one who has talent with a lot of different mediums. I received only a smidgen of her many talents. I remember as a child we were surrounded by silk flowers and plants because she used to make and sell flower arrangements. I think that even back then she would make fake plants and trees for offices. I remember going to the dentist and thinking I was a little cool cause "My mom was the one that made that tree" I even think that she would trade them for Dentist appointments and things, but I'm not certain.
Another talent of hers was sewing. She would often be sewing when I was little, making dresses and even swimsuits. I remember one time she made a wedding dress for someone. The bride was always coming over to try the dress on and I always thought that it was cool that she was good enough to have someone want her to make their wedding dress.
She is also a very very good cook. We always had friends hanging around until dinner cause it was always something yummy. My Best Friend even now when I am home for Vacation will call after work and I will invite her to dinner and she always accepts.
Among others she is talented in Drawing and Painting. She Illustrated a children's book and she is very good at Watercolor. Lately she has been dabbling into other things like oils and acrylic. She sells her paintings in Sassafras, a little boutique in Montana and in various art fairs. She has recently started to sell them online and one day she will have a fabulous web site. But for now she is selling them on her new
Etsy site. She has originals and prints of some of her paintings on there. They very in size and price. She also sells greeting cards made from her paintings. So go check it out!
I am grateful to have grown up in a home with a mother who was crafty. So that now I can craft and create things for my children and friends. Sometimes its cheaper and sometimes its not but, its always fun! So for all of the crafting and sewing and art that I create it is all because of her.