Sunday, August 30, 2009

Our newest addition.

Meet (unofficially) Cheyenne!

She is a 3 mo old, brown, terrier mix. We picked her out at the SPCA Saturday. She is very calm and puts up with all of Little A's commands. She also just moves to a new spot whenever Little C gets too close. Since she was recently fixed we are not supposed to take her on walks or give her a bath which makes Little A sad. She asks about 5 times a day when we can walk her. She has one ear that is floppy and the the other stands up. She looks a little scruffy but she is actually pretty soft. Little A keeps telling me that she is glad to have a dog. I have a very low tolerance for poop in my house, so hopefully we will be able to housebreak her quickly. I am grateful that I don't have carpet anymore for her to stain. Its much easier just to wipe it up. The only other thing is that I hope she gets a little more playful once she is used to us.


Heather said...

I have done alot of puppy house training. Let me know and I can teach you some really easy tricks to make life a bit easier!

Jessica said...

She looks like a stuffed animal! So cute.