Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pool Party!

So today was Little D's birthday. He is now 7 years old. Man! That's crazy! So for his birthday he asked for a Watch and and Alarm Clock (which he has been begging me for for months) and Lego sets. He got all those things and more.

Little C thought that he was so cool posing just like his big brother!

We had a pool party for him and it was great. I bought him 2 disposable cameras so pics at the party will follow later after they are developed. He had about 8 other kids show up there were about 6 girls and only 2 other boys. So all Little D's girlfriends were there. We swam from 10:30 to 12 and then we had pizza, cake and opened presents. The party ended at 1pm so after presents I let them all play until their parents showed up.

The cake said Use The Force Danny! And I couldn't find anywhere that had Lego Star Wars cakes so I had them make me a cake that looked like outer space and I added some Star Wars Lego guys on top.

I also found an awesome alarm clock that looks like a GIANT Lego piece. Its awesome! Well at least I thought so.

He also got 2 models that he can build with his dad. A few books to practice his reading. A Bug catcher set that has already come to haunt me. I wish I had never suggested it to Grandma.

His watch was from Little A and she was very adamant that this was the watch. I tried to get her to chose a Transformer watch but she insisted that this was the one. But Little D loves it and so that's all that matters. His friends gave him a Lego set, gift card, dart gun, motorcycles he can paint, Nerf basketball set, marshmallow shooters, Iron man figures, and money.



About the Bug Catcher Set. I thought that this would be fun for the kids to catch butterflies, ladybugs, caterpillars, and earwigs and rolly poly bugs.

In fact Little A opened it all up and was all ready to go catch bugs. She was gone about 10 mins and came back with nothing.

However fun I thought this would be for the kids, I was not factoring in their father....

Within minutes of going outside Big J comes back in with a big jumping spider! YUCK! He puts the spider into the container. After which he says to me this is the best present EVER! Then goes out to try and find food for the spider. He comes back no more than 3 mins later with a BEE!!! A bee he caught with a net and sucked up with the bug vacuum included in the set. I just about died. This was the almost cool part but still gross. After about 10 seconds of the Bee being in the canister the spider had caught him and killed him. The spider is now just sitting with the bee in its mouth. We have been waiting for him to wrap him up but so far no go.

Guys are so yucky!


Samurai Mom said...


jafreakinessa said...

word!! so gross. chris says "that's awesome" haha