Saturday, October 30, 2010

Reason's for the lack of posting

I have been so busy getting everything ready for our Tremendous Thursday Activity that I haven't had an extra second to sit down and post. Here is what I have been working on. I am in charge of 3 crafts.

First is the Snow Family...

Next is the Gift Ornament...

Which accordion folds out and is the story of Christ's birth as told in the bible.

and then finally the 25 Stories Until Christmas Book which is not pictured because the sample I made took a beating while it was on display. It is a book of 25 different stories with coloring pages and songs. The ladies will be scrapbooking their own covers.

And then when this is done I will have a few weeks to get things ready to sell at the Annual Craft Fair, we put on in December. So I will be busy for sure. Hopefully I will be able to post about some of the things I am making for that.

1 comment:

Samurai Mom said...

Oooh, are you making me an ornament?