Monday, August 30, 2010

First Ever Soccer Game

Well as most of you know we signed Little D up for soccer this year. His team name is The FIREBALLS. He has been loving it and is excited every Wednesday when he gets to go to practice. He has a great Coach that seems to be pretty easy going about the whole thing which is nice since its his first year. They have had only 2 practices so far and he is still a little awkward but he will get it soon I'm sure. He wants to be able to bounce the ball off his knees. He thinks that is pretty cool. I told him that he just needs practice.

So Friday was there first game of the season. He was pretty excited.

He is number 4 and made me take this picture of the back of his Jersey.

Here he is practicing stopping and kicking the ball.

And here are a few pictures of the game. It was dark so these aren't the best.

(He is in the middle)
My camera wanted to use a flash but that didn't get me anywhere so I turned it off but then It wouldn't take them fast enough so this is as good as it gets this time.

(Here he is in the front #4)
His next couple games are earlier in the day and should mean better pictures.

He did well for his first game and is still a little timid and unsure when he gets to the ball he is not sure what to do yet. He was able to kick it a few times. I told him to just be more aggressive and when he gets the ball just kick it to his goal. He was proud of himself for getting the ball a few times.

So this Friday is another game and I will post about it then and hopefully have some better pictures.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Way to go, Little D!!!