Today I mowed the lawn! ... I KNOW! Its the first time since we have the new grass. It was getting so long and Big J never has time to mow so I decided today was the day.
It started when I just wanted to go pick up Cheyenne's "presents" but it was hard to pick them up when the grass is about a foot tall. So I thought that if I try and keep it short it will be much easier to pick it all up.
So when I got the mower out I tried to start it like 5 times and couldn't get it going.
(I tried moving the choke and all that but it was hard to figure out which way to move it and then if I was to leave it like that or what) I knew that I had to admit defeat and call in the "Big Guns". I was not thrilled with having to call Him but there was no other way. I knew that he was first going to make fun of me and then going to say, "I can't believe you don't know how.". And I also didn't really want to admit that I was going to do it because once I do it then he is going to make me do it all the time. I don't know maybe I should just do it once a week but I don't want to.
(but does anyone, really?)After getting the mower going I mowed half the yard and realized that I wasn't holding down the lever to make it "drive". Here I was actually pushing the thing when I could have just been steering. Needless to say that the second half of it went much faster.
By then I was on a roll and kept going, I cleaned the patio off too. Ours seems to get so dirty. Mostly because the do has a hole that she digs right next to it and then it blows all over. Soon I will fill it and the grass will grow over it. Until then, children, don't fall in the hole.
Now that its all done it feels so nice and fun out there. The kids are out there right now.
(they are never out there)