Monday, February 7, 2011

A Year of FHE


I just recently participated in a FHE Group. It was a lot of work but will be well worth it. There were 7 of us so we just divided up the year, made a calendar of topics and went to work.

We each made 7 FHE lessons. They all had to have a story, coloring page, activity and needed to be printed on card stock, colored and laminated. We set a deadline and tried to stick to it as much as we could. It's hard when you are working with so many different people though. But I have gotten almost all of mine from everyone and all mine are finished and given out. Now I can work on the list of unfinished/new crafts.

I am glad that I participated in the group and I am glad that it worked out. Now I have a year of lessons all prepared, I would like to get one more though, but this time I think that I will be doing this.... Club FHE. Then I can rotate lessons and they (the kids) will never know. I heard about this group from a friend and just read the web site and now I am in love. I will be ordering the year kit all at once although I do like how if you do it every month they send them with that box that is labeled and everything. Would be much more organized. I guess I will have to make those myself.... Add it to the list!

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