Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Crazy 3 Hours

This evening was crazy, Little C decided to stop eating his dinner and have a good cry. A 45 minute break down over apparently nothing. After he finally stopped crying we had to rush out of our house to take a meal into a fellow sister, stop at the store for bread on the way and on the way home, pick up cookies for a funeral tomorrow. After we got home the dog decided to race across the busy street to freak the neighbor kids half to death. Then just when I thought that I had her on the way inside she spotted the birds that have been nesting in our bark and decided to chase it half way down the block. Then Little A got her fingers pinched in a door, and I found Little C's bowl of popcorn thrown in his little potty. And its only 6:30pm.

Is it bed time yet?

And even after they are finally in bed I just know that Little D will come out about 5 times to "tell" me something. However once he comes out and I say what? he will say,"hmmm.... let me think".

Is it tomorrow yet?

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